bobby shew





In all of my years of attempting to "teach the trumpet", I have observed that one of the primary areas of difficulty in becoming a good player is due to a poor setting and a poorly functioning aperture area. Most players tend to over-pinch their lips too tightly together which creates an interference with the natural flow of the air thru the tone production area. Sound quality suffers from this problem as does pitch. It also greatly affects and reduces one's endurance merely because of the excess stress caused by the increased pressure in the oral area. This is pressure that should be released as the air moves forward , setting the lip vibrations in motion and producing the desired sound.


Most players have never actually seen their embouchure setting. I have found that this open visualizer enables this to happen. Merely seeing your set-up can open your eyes to the eventual solution to improvement in one's overall playing in all of the above- mentioned areas. I have had nothing but great success with using this item with my students.






The Visualizer costs $55.00 plus $8.00 for domestic shipping, or $25 for internationl shipping.


To order by credit card, simply click the "Add to cart" button below and you will be prompted through the PayPal secure on-line ordering process.









If you would prefer to order by mail, please send a check or money order in the amount of $63.00 (USA, $80.00 for International orders) to:



Bolikes Music
P.O. Box 2533
Corrales,NM 87048
Fax 505 792 2342







Contents ©2020 Bobby Shew.  Website by Jim Ahrend.